Location: Pepper Canyon Hall room 109 at 8:00am on Wednesdays.
Section 1: Week 1 - ML Crash Course. [ slides ]
Section 2: Week 2 - Tail Recursion and map intro [ slides ]
Section 3: Week 3 - Map [ map-start.ml, map-answers.ml ]
Section 4: Week 4 - Fold [ fold-start.ml, fold-answers.ml ]
Section 5: Week 5 - Interpreter [ slides ]
Section 6: Week 6 - Prolog [ prolog-start.pl, prolog-answers.pl ]
Section 7: Week 7 - Intro to Python [ Jupyter Notebook, HTML slides]
Section 8: Week 9 - Advanced Python [ HTML slides]
Section 9: Week 10 - Final Review [ Python problems, Prolog problems, OCaml problems]