Discussion slides

Discussion slides can be accessed from here.

Before getting started

Here are some clarifications that might help you in formulating the structure of your project -

  • You'll implement both MOD and ConstantPropAnalysis in the same file - let's call it ConstantPropAnalysis.cpp
  • The type of a pass that you might want to use is called CallGraphSCCPass (more info on this later) although, we can achieve the same results using a ModulePass
  • The reason for doing MOD and MPT is that they'll be used in ConstPropAnalysis' flow functions
  • Each function will have it's own LMOD and CMOD. Union of LMOD and CMOD(along with MPT for some cases, details are mentioned below) gives you what is called the MOD for that particular function

  • Your first task for this part is to implement an inter-procedural modified global variables analysis. For each function, your analysis describes which global variables may be modified. This analysis operates on LLVM IR.

    In this part you will implement a modified global variables (mod) analysis. The results of the MOD analysis will be used in the flow functions of the ConstPropAnalysis

    Mod Analysis

    Your first task for this part is to implement an inter-procedural modified global variables analysis. For each function, our analysis pass describes which global variables may be modified. This analysis pass operates on LLVM IR.
    Implementation hint - Just to make things less complicated, for now, we will store all the variables that adhere to the conditions mentioned below irrespective of them being global or not. While printing out the information in the print function for ConstantPropAnalysis, we will keep an additional condition so that we only print out the global variables.

    May-point-to set (MPT)

    We are going to be implementing a very conservative mod analysis. The mod analysis will make use of a very simple may-point-to analysis which can be described as follows:
    1. There exists a global set, the MPT set, i.e. there's only one MPT set in the module, not one for each function.
    2. If you read the address of any variable (for example X = &Y), the variable must be added to the MPT set.

    3. If you encounter an operand in a function that is being passed by reference, you need to add it to the MPT set as well.
      function foo (....&operand....){} This implies that the operand is passed by reference to the function and therefore can be pointed/modified by a variable inside the function. Therefore, we will add this operand to the MPT set.
      One question you might have at this point is how do I get the operands passed by reference?
      Ans - We will leverage the Use& data type provided by LLVM. For any given call instruction I, you can get the operands that were passed by reference as follows -
      for (Use& operand : I.operands()) {}

    Data Structure for MPT

    You can use a global set of Value* to store the information: std::set <Value*> MPT;
    After you calculate the MPT set, you will use it in your mod analysis.

    LMOD and CMOD sets

    LMOD stands for Local MOD and CMOD stands for Callee MOD. Trivially, the variables that may be modified in the body of a function are -
    • the variables modified locally in the body of the function by any instruction excluding calls
    • and the variables modified in the body of other functions by calls.
    We will call these two sets LMOD and CMOD. By definition, the global variables modified in a function are the union of LMOD and CMOD. Calculating the LMOD set is straightforward, you need to handle the following cases while building up your LMOD :
    1. If an instruction modifies a global variable, the global variable must be added to LMOD, glob = ....
      Add glob to the LMOD set for that function
    2. If an instruction modifies a dereferenced pointer in any given function F, i.e.,
      *var = ...., you'll need to add the subset of MPT containing GlobalVariables to the LMOD for that particular function. (This is the condition where MPT needs to be added to MOD as mentioned in before getting started section)

    Note: Since this is a MAY analysis we can choose to not remove any thing from our Infos. The analysis will be correct but may be not very precise.

    Now we come to CMOD, the tricky part. To calculate CMOD, you will need to know the caller-callee relationships between functions. This information can be obtained from the call graph. Every function's CMOD is the union of all of its callee's MODs.
    This is where you'd have ideally written a new worklist algorithm and kept on pushing the callers and callees on the stack till the we reached a fixed point (This was how it was discussed in the lecture).
    But instead of writing a new worklist algorithm or changing the one we have in 231DFA.h, we will use the concept of strongly connected components here and that is precisely the reason why we use the CallGraphSCCPass, because it gives us those strongly connected components. More information on SCC can be found here. You don't need to worry about the actual details of SCC but all you need to remember is that there's a smart way to start iterating over your functions and the SCC pass gives you the necessary APIs to do that.


    The underlying structure for this pass is the same as any other pass you've written till now. You have your doInitialization method, your runOnSCC method(which is analogous to the runOnFunction method of a function pass), and the doFinalization method.

    Detailed information about this pass can be found on LLVMs documentation here

    The following calculation are supposed to be made in each of the methods -
    1. bool doInitialization(CallGraph &CG)

      You'll build your MPT and LMOD data structures in this method. Just one run across the call graph is sufficient for calculating them

      Remember that since you have the call graph with you, you have access to all the functions in the module.

    2. bool runOnSCC(CallGraphSCC &SCC)

      You'll build your CMOD data structures in this method

      The SCC will give you all the caller-callee relationship that you can use to calculate the MOD for the functions in your module. You'll get the LMOD[caller] and then you'll get the MOD[callee] . The union of these two things is MOD[caller]

    3. bool doFinalization(CallGraph &CG)

      The above two functions would have built the MOD map and MPT set.

      This is the function where you'll iterate over the entire call graph and call the worklist algorithm that you had written in 231DFA.h to do the Constant Prop Analysis on each function and print the analysis results.

    More Info on SCC

    As mentioned in the Image above, you have three SCC components. Your runOnSCC function will run three times picking up a different SCC each time. The analysis start from the bottom of the CallGraph, so you would have the MOD function of the callee by the time you use it to calculate the MOD of the caller.

    The SCC data structure contains the CallGraphNode. The CallGraphNode further provides you access to the function that is present in that CallGraphNode. To access the function present in a CallGraphNode, use the getFunction() method on it.
    Once you get the Function from the CallGraphNode, you need to find the Callee(s) of that function, if any, and union the MODS.

    One special case I want to draw your attention towards is -

    Notice that in this case the MOD[main] = MOD[foo], otherwise we would never reach a fixed point

    This basically implies that the MOD of all the functions within one specific SCC has to be the same.

    Call Graph

    A call graph is a graph which describes the caller-callee relations. LLVM builds a call graph for a given module, which consists of nodes representing functions in the module. Edges in the graph are directed edges from caller functions to callees. You can read more about LLVM's call graphs here.

    The following functions might be useful when working with a callgraph -

    • CG.getModule().getGlobalList() - gives a list of GlobalVariables in the call graph
    • CG.getModule().functions() - gives you a list of all the functions in the call graph

    Data Structure for MOD

    You can use a map with Function* as key and GlobalVariable set as the value
    std::unordered_map<Function*, std::set<GlobalVariable*>> MOD;


    To implement the mod analysis, you need to

    1. Calculate a MPT set for your module;
    2. Calculate an LMOD set of each function in your module;
    3. Iteratively calculate CMOD until you reach a fixed set.
    4. You may assume no composite-typed variables exist in the module. For example, you don't need to worry about arrays, structs, unions, etc.
    5. You should be writing test cases as you design this analysis pass to make sure you're calculating every set correctly.
    6. You will only be using the information you calculate here (the final MOD set for each function) in your next analysis, so there's no need to print any output.

    Constant Propagation Analysis

    In part 4, you will also need to implement a constant propagation analysis based on the data-flow analysis framework you used earlier in the project. The analysis describes at each point in the program which global variables must be a constant value, and their corresponding constant values.


    For this analysis, you will map every global variable to a single constant value, top (not constant), or bottom (all constants). As discussed in lectures earlier in the class, using a lattice of height 2 for every variable guarantees termination in the worklist algorithm.

    Flow Functions

    Again, we'll be similar same flow functions to the flow functions described in lecture. You should use LLVM's ConstantFolder to fold in unary and binary expressions with constant operands into a constant. You need to include #include "llvm/IR/ConstantFolder.h" for ConstantFolder to work

    To simplify the analysis, after a call instruction we set all variables in the callee's MOD set to top (we assume every variable in MOD was modified to some non constant value).

    Also, when we encounter an instruction which modifies a dereferenced pointer, set all variables in MPT to top.

    NOTE - We will not be providing explicit flow function definitions for this analysis like we did in the previous parts. It is your responsibility to come up with the flow functions yourselves. To check if your understanding is correct, run it against the reference solution provided or if you really can't figure out the flow function for any instruction, discussions on Piazza/OHs are always welcome

    For the ConstantProp analysis, you only need to consider the following IR instructions:

    1. All the instructions under binary operations;
    2. All the instructions under binary bitwise operations;
    3. Instructions under unary operations;
    4. load;
    5. store;
    6. call;
    7. icmp;
    8. fcmp;
    9. phi;
    10. select.

    Data Structures

    These following data structures can be used while implementing your constant prop analysis :

    • enum ConstState { Bottom, Const, Top }; - enum to store which state the operand belongs to
    • struct Const { ConstState state ; Constant* value; }; - struct for storing info about a constant value
    • typedef std::unordered_map<Value*, struct Const> ConstPropContent; - the map used by ConstPropInfo for storing the content

    You are in no way limited to using these data structures, if you have a better design in mind, please feel free to use that. If you do decide to use this design then you don't need to worry about the IndexToInstr and InstrToIndex map. You can directly store the instructions as is


    To implement the constant propagation analysis, you need to create

    1. class ConstPropInfo in ConstPropAnalysis.cpp: the class represents the information at each program point for your constant propagation analysis. It should be a subclass of class Info in 231DFA.h;
    2. class ConstPropAnalysis in ConstPropAnalysis.cpp: this class performs a constant propagation analysis. It should be a subclass of DataFlowAnalysis. Function flowfunction needs to be implemented in this subclass according to the specifications above;
    3. A CallgraphSCC/Module pass called ConstPropAnalysisPass in ConstPropAnalysis.cpp: This pass should be registered by the name cse231-constprop. After processing a function, this pass should print out the constant propagation information at each program point to stderr. The output should be in the following form:
      Edge[space][src]->Edge[space][dst]:[glob1]=[val1]|[glob2]=[val2]| ... [globK]=[valK]|\n
      where [src] is the index of the instruction that is the start of the edge, [dst] is the index of the instruction that is the end of the edge. [globi] is a string representation of the ith global variable (the variable name). [vali] is the string representation of the ith value (⊤, ⊥, or a constant value).
    4. You may assume that only C functions will be used to test your implementation.
    5. You may assume that inttoptr never appears in any test cases.


    To help you test your code, we provide our solution contained in the docker image. All solutions have been compiled in a module named "231_solution.so". Our constant propagation analysis solution is registered with the same name (cse231-constprop). For example, to run the constant propagation solution, type

     opt -load 231_solution.so -cse231-constprop < input.ll > /dev/null 

    Moreover, you are also required to write 10 test cases of your own, ideally, covering all the instruction types mentioned above and make sure that the output produced by your solution is the same as that you the solution provided to you. You'll be required to submit these test cases and you'll be graded on them. Submission instructions can be found in the section below

    Turnin Instructions

    You will turn in your submission in Gradescope. As soon as you submit, your code will be auto-graded and you should have your grade and some feedback within a few minutes. You are allowed to submit as many times as you want until the deadline.


    Your submission will be graded against some benchmarks we developed which satisfy all the requirements. Unlike part 1, partially correct submissions will receive partial credit (grading strategy presented below). The order of your output does not matter - This includes the line order, as well as the order within a line. But make sure you follow the output form to the letter (no extra spaces/tabs, printed in stderr, no extra output). The autograder attempts to clean the extra output (if any), but do not rely on that.

    Submission Directions

    • Same as with previous parts, you have to submit all source files necessary to compile your passes.
    • Since you are providing a CMakeLists.txt file, your source code files can have any name you want. But the LLVM module must be named submission_pt4 and the pass need to be named cse231-constprop

    Submitting Testcases

    You are required to submit a total of 10 test cases in a zipped file named tests.zip to the LLVM Project - Part 4 (TESTS) assignment. Within that zipped folder you should have a total of 10 test cases with the naming format - test_{i}.c or test_{i}.cpp In conclusion, within the zipped folder named tests.zip you should have the following test files - test_1.cpp, test_2.cpp......test_10.cpp We will test these cases against our solution as well as your submission and grade you based on the output produced. This is worth 10% of this assignment's grade
    (90% for your MOD and ConstProp Analysis and 10% for your test cases).