
For this assignment you will need to extend the FunctionPass class. In particular, methods you might need to override include


Use a Function::iterator to iterate over the basic blocks of a function:

for (Function::iterator B = F.begin(), BE = F.end(); B != BE; ++B) {
// Here B is a pointer to a basic block

Use a BasicBlock::iterator to iterate over the instructions in a basic block:

for (BasicBlock::iterator I = B->begin(), IE = B->end(); I != IE; ++I) {
  // Here I is a pointer to an instruction

Global Variables


Global variables define regions of memory allocated at compilation time instead of run-time. So this is a useful option if you think you'll need to allocate data that won't be changing throughout the execution of your program (e.g. a static array).

You can create a global variable with the following constructor:

GlobalVariable::GlobalVariable(Module &M,
                               Type * Ty,
                               bool isConstant,
                               LinkageTypes Linkage,
                               Constant * Initializer,
                               const Twine & Name = "")

For example, let's say you want to allocate the static array [0,1]. You would do that by calling

GlobalVariable* v = new GlobalVariable(
    ConstantDataArray::get(*ctx, *(new ArrayRef<uint32_t>({0,1}))),

where ArrayTy is the LLVM representation of the type of an array with two elements

ArrayType* arrayTy = ArrayType::get(IntegerType::get(F.getContext(), 32), 2);

The above allocates a constant array that can be seen in the instrumented file as a line of the form

@my_array.NNN = internal constant [2 x i32] [i32 0, i32 1]


To obtain a reference to the above array you will find the getElementPtr instruction particularly useful.

To understand the particulars of this instruction

Alternatively, you might want to look into the bitcast instruction, that converts its argument to a specified type without changing any bits.

For example, to convert a pointer v to the type int*, we can call IBuilder::CreatePointerCast

Value* castV = Builder.CreatePointerCast(v, Type::getInt32PtrTy(context));

The Builder class is introduced in the last section of this tutorial.

Looking up Functions

Use Module::getOrInsertFunction to look up the specified function in the module's symbol table. Note that getOrInsertFunction will return a cast of the existing function if the function already existed with a different prototype.

For example, to look up a function foo that accepts two i32 arguments and returns void, we would issue the call:

Constant *fooFunc = Mod.getOrInsertFunction(
    "foo",                           // name of function
    Type::getVoidTy(context),        // return type
    Type::getInt32Ty(context),       // first parameter type
    Type::getInt32Ty(context),       // second parameter type

Creating a Call

Use the IRBuilder to create instructions and insert them into a basic block.

For example we can define a builder as

IRBuilder<> Builder(&*blk->getFirstInsertionPt());

Suppose we want to call function foo from above with arguments 0 and 1. First we create a vector args to hold the arguments to the call

std::vector<Value*> args;

where zero is the representation for the number 0

Constant * zero = ConstantInt::get(IntegerType::get(F.getContext(),32), 0);

Finally, we create the actual call

Builder.CreateCall(fooFunc, args);

This will place a call to foo before the basic block that blk points to.

How to Build, Link and Run using LLVM/Clang

This might be useful when working with the LLVM/Clang toolchain. Note that this is not the only way to proceed, but just one that has been tried and seems to work.

How to build a bitcode file (.bc)

Assume an source file called HelloWorld.cpp. To build an LLVM bitcode representation run the following:

clang++ -c -O0 -emit-llvm HelloWorld.cpp -o HelloWorld.bc
The contents of the folder will now be:
$ ls
HelloWorld.bc  HelloWorld.cpp

How to build an object file (.o) from a bitcode file

Once we have the bitcode file we can use llc to build an object file:

$ llc -filetype=obj HelloWorld.bc -o HelloWorld.o
The contents of the folder will now be:
$ ls
HelloWorld.bc  HelloWorld.cpp  HelloWorld.o

How to build an executable file

We can use clang++ again to produce an executable file:

$ clang++ HelloWorld.o -o HelloWorld
We can run this with:
Hello world!

How to link multiple bitcode files

Assume we have a main file main.cpp that calls to a library lib.cpp. We can translate these files to bitcode like before and get a main.bc and a lib.bc:

$ clang++ -c -O0 -emit-llvm lib.cpp -o lib.bc
$ clang++ -c -O0 -emit-llvm main.cpp -o main.bc
However, before creating an object file from these two bitcode files we first need to link them into a single bitcode file. We can use llvm-link to do this:
$ llvm-link lib.bc main.bc -o final.bc
This produces a final.bc file that contains all the bitcode we need to create an object file, then compile it to binary and run it:
$ llc -filetype=obj final.bc -o final.o
$ clang++ final.o -o final
$ ./final
Keep in mind that for this to work main.cpp needs to declare functions it is calling that are defined in lib.cpp.