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Code for all programming assignments should be well documented. A working program with no comments will receive only partial credit. Documentation entails providing documentation strings for all methods, classes, packages, etc., and comments throughout the code to explain the program logic. Comments in Python are preceded by # and extend to the end of the line. Documentation strings are strings in the first line of a function, method, etc., and are accessible using help(foo), where foo is the name of the method, class, etc. It is understood that some of the exercises in this programming assignment require extremely little code and will not require extensive comments.
While few programming assignments pretend to mimic the "real" world, they may, nevertheless, contain some of the ambiguity that exists outside the classroom. If, for example, an assignment is amenable to differing interpretations, such that more than one algorithm may implement a correct solution to the assignment, it is incumbent upon the programmer to document not only the functionality of the algorithm (and more broadly his/her interpretation of the program requirements), but to articulate clearly the reasoning behind a particular choice of solution.
The objective of this assignment is to introduce you to some more advanced features of Python. This assignment will cover topics from classes and OOP, the decorator pattern, and parsing and typechecking.
The assignment is available as a zip file pa7.zip for you to download.Your functions/programs must compile and/or run on a Linux ACS machine (e.g. ieng6.ucsd.edu), as this is where the verification of your solutions will occur. While you may develop your code on any system, ensure that your code runs as expected on an ACS machine prior to submission. You should test your code in the directories from which the zip files (see below) will be created, as this will approximate the environment used for grading the assignment.
Most of the points, except those for comments and style, will be awarded
automatically, by evaluating your functions against a given test suite.
The file, test.py contains a very small suite of tests which
gives you a flavor of these tests. At any stage, by typing at the UNIX
shell :
python3 test.py
you will get a report on how your code stacks up against the simple
The last (or near the bottom) line of the file log must contain the word "Compiled" otherwise you get a zero for the whole assignment. If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile, leave it as is with the raise ..., with your partial solution enclosed below as a comment. There will be no exceptions to this rule. You are encouraged to try to understand the code in test.py, and subsequently devise your own tests and add them to test.py, but you will not be graded on this.
Alternately, inside the Python shell, type (user input is in red):
>>> import test
Your solutions to this assignment will be stored in separate files under a directory called pa7_solution/, inside which you will place the files: decorators.py, nano.py, types.pl . These three files listed are the versions of the corresponding supplied files that you will have modified. There should be no other files in the directory.
After creating and populating the directory as described above, create a zip file called <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa7.zip by going into the directory pa7_solution and executing the UNIX shell command:
zip <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa7.zip *
Once you've created the zip file with your solutions, you will use the validate_pa7 program to see whether your zip file's structure is well-formed to be inspected by our grading system by executing the UNIX shell command:
validate_pa7 <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa7.zipThe validate_pa7 program will output OK if your zip file is well-formed and your solution is compiled. Otherwise, it will output some error messages. Before going to step 3, make sure that your zip file passes validate_pa7 program. Otherwise you get a zero for the whole assignment. If you have any trouble with this, refer to the instructions in step 1.
Once you've created the zip file with your solutions, you will use the turnin program to submit this file for grading by going into the directory pa7_solution/ and executing the UNIX shell command:
turnin_pa7 <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa7.zipThe turnin_pa7 program will provide you with a confirmation of the submission process; make sure that the size of the file indicated by turnin_pa7 matches the size of your zip file. Note that you may submit multiple times, but your latest submission overwrites previous submissions, and will be the ONLY one we grade. If you submit before the assignment deadline, and again afterwards, we will count it as if you only submitted after the deadline.
Useful Links
Defining Classes
All classes used in this assignment should be new-style Python classes which have eitherobject
as a base class or only
other new-style classes as base classes.
class foo: # implicit object base class
class bar(foo):
Quirks / Features of Python
"The function prod takes two integers and returns their product".If the implementation is not straightforward and obvious, there should be comments. For example:
# prod is implemented using a FFT to get O(n log n) time
Once documented you should get the following behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> import decorators >>> help(decorators)
Screen full of documentation with all your doc strings
In this problem, you will write a type-inference algorithm for the NanoML language of PA4. Type-inference is very naturally expressed in Prolog and so you will implement the logic of your algorithm in a Prolog file, types.pl. You will also reuse the project from PA4, provided in the nano/ directory, to parse NanoML programs. Finally, you will use Python to coordinate between OCaml and Prolog.
First, we shall encode NanoML expressions as Prolog terms via the following grammar:Expr ::= const(Ints) | boolean(Bools) | nil | var(VName) | bin(Expr, Bop, Expr) | ite(Expr, Expr, Expr) | let(Name, Expr, Expr) | letrec(Name, Expr, Expr) | fun(Name, Expr) | app(Expr, Expr) VName ::= lower case variable names Ints ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ... (all integer constants) Bools ::= true | false Bop ::= plus | minus | mul | div | eq | neq | lt | leq | and | or | consSimilarly, we shall encode ML types as Prolog terms using the following grammar:
Type ::= int | bool | arrow(Type, Type) | list(Type) | TName TName ::= type variable names that starts with an uppercase letter (really just Prolog variables)
The table below shows several examples of Ocaml expressions, the Prolog term encoding that expression, and the Prolog term encoding the type of the expression.
NanoML Expression
Prolog Expression
Prolog Type
2 + 3
2 <= 3
fun a -> a
fun x -> x <= 4
fun x -> fun y -> if x then y else 0
let x = 10 in x
fun x -> let y = x in y + y
fun a -> let b = a in b
This assignment is structured as follows. nano.py defines a class hierarchy for NanoML expressions and types. nanoParser.py contains parsers functions for this hierarchy. types.pl contains an (unimplemented) type-inference algorithm for NanoML expressions. The nano/ directory contains the NanoML assignment from PA4, modified to build expressions in nano.py. Finally, the nanoTypes.py file interfaces between the various languages. The only files you will need to modify are nano.py and types.pl.
Most of the provided Python code relies on the OCaml library in nano/. You will need to build this library before running many commands; to do this, cd into the nano/ directory and run make.
Fill in the implementation of toProlog in the file nano.py. Each class must have an implementation of toProlog that converts the given expression into a prolog term. You can for example test your implementation as follows:
>>> from nanoParser import fileToNano, parseNano
>>> parseNano("x+1").toProlog()
'bin(var(x), plus, const(1))'
>>> parseNano("if true then x else false").toProlog()
'ite(boolean(true), var(x), boolean(false))'
>>> fileToNano("nano/tests/t1.ml").toProlog()
'bin(bin(const(2), plus, const(3)), mul, bin(const(4), plus, const(5)))'
>>> fileToNano("nano/tests/map.ml").toProlog()
'letrec(map, fun(f, fun(xs, ite(app(var(null), var(xs)), nil, bin(app(var(f), app(var(hd), var(xs))), cons, app(app(var(map), var(f)), app(var(tl), var(xs))))))), var(map))'
>>> fileToNano("nano/tests/foldl.ml").toProlog()
'let(foldl, fun(f, fun(b, fun(l, letrec(worker, fun(acc, fun(xs, ite(app(var(null), var(xs)), var(acc), app(app(var(worker), app(app(var(f), var(acc)), app(var(hd), var(xs)))), app(var(tl), var(xs)))))), app(app(var(worker), var(b)), var(l)))))), var(foldl))'
>>> BoolTy().toProlog()
>>> ListTy(IntTy()).toProlog()
>>> ArrowTy(IntTy(),BoolTy()).toProlog()
'arrow(int, bool)'
In the file types.pl, fill in the implementation of the the Prolog predicate envtype(Env,X,T), where X is a variable, T is a type, and Env is a environment represented as a list of the form [[X1,T1],[X2,T2],...,[Xn,Tn]], where each [Xi,Ti] represents a binding stating that variable Xi has type Ti. In particular, envtype(Env, X, T) should be true if [X,T] belongs to Env and [X,T] is the first occurrence of a binding for variable X. For example:
?- envtype([[x,int],[y,bool]],x,T).
T = int ;
?- envtype([[x,int],[x,bool]],x,T).
T = int ;
?- envtype([[x,int],[x,bool]],x,bool).
In types.pl fill in the implementation of typeof(Env,E,T) which is true if the expression E has type T in the type environment represented by Env. Make sure to use envtype that you implemented in part (b). For example:
?- typeof([[x,int],[y,bool]],var(x),T).Once you have types.pl fully implemented, use the functions in nanoTypes.py to type check entire files. For example:
T = int ;
?- typeof([],bin(const(2),plus, const(3)),T).
T = int ;
?- typeof([],bin(const(2),leq,const(3)),T).
T = bool ;
?- typeof([],fun(x,bin(var(x),leq,const(4))),T).
T = arrow(int, bool) ;
?- typeof([],fun(x,fun(y,ite(var(x),var(y),const(0)))),T).
T = arrow(bool, arrow(int, int)) ;
?- typeof([],let(x,const(10),var(x)),T).
T = int ;
?- typeof([],fun(x,let(y,var(x),bin(var(y),plus,var(y)))),T).
T = arrow(int, int) ;
?- typeof([],app(fun(x,bin(var(x),plus,const(1))),const(19)),T).
T = int ;
>>> from nanoTypes import fileToType, strToType
>>> strToType("true || false").toProlog()
>>> strToType("fun x -> x").toProlog()
>>> strToType("fun x -> x + 1").toProlog()
>>> fileToType("nano/tests/t1.ml").toProlog()
>>> fileToType("nano/tests/t19.ml").toProlog()
there is an example decorator,
and stub code for decorators that you will be
writing. At the bottom of the file are many examples of decorated
functions. The expected output for these functions is available here:
. When
the decorated function is called, the decorator should print out an
ASCII art tree of the recursive calls and their return values. The
format of the tree should be as follows:
") for every level of
nested function calls.
") next.
of all of the
arguments. Arguments should be seperated by a comma followed by a
space (",
"). After the normal arguments, print all the
keyword arguments in the form keyword then equals sign then
of the value of the keyword argument. The keyword
arguments should also be seperated by a comma followed by a space.
Keyword arguments should be printed in the order returnd by
") for every level of nested function calls.
of the return value.
for an example.
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following
behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> from decorators import *
>>> @traced
>>> def foo(a,b):
... if a==0: return b
... return foo(b=a-1,a=b-1)
>>> foo(4,5),- foo(4, 5) | ,- foo(b=3, a=4) | | ,- foo(b=3, a=2) | | | ,- foo(b=1, a=2) | | | | ,- foo(b=1, a=0) | | | | `- 1 | | | `- 1 | | `- 1 | `- 1 `- 1 1
Complete the definition of the memoized
decorator. When
the decorated function is called, the decorator should check to see if
the function has already been called with the given arguments. If so,
the decorator should return the value the the function returned when
it was last called with the given arguments. If the function last
threw an exception when called with the given arguments, the same
exception should be thrown again. If the function has not been called
with the given arguments, then call it and record the return value or
exception. Then return the return value or raise the thrown
>>> from decorators import *
>>> from time import sleep
>>> @memoized
>>> def foo(a):
... sleep(a)
... return a
>>> foo(5)
# 5 second pause
>>> foo(5)
# practically instantaneous