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University rules on integrity of scholarship will be strictly enforced. By completing this assignment, you implicitly agree to abide by the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship described in the Academic Regulations, in particular "all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned, without unauthorized aid of any kind."
You are expected to do your own work on this assignment; there are no group projects in this course. You may (and are encouraged to) engage in general discussions with your classmates regarding the assignment, but specific details of a solution, including the solution itself, must always be your own work. Incidents that violate the University's rules on integrity of scholarship will be taken seriously: In addition to receiving a zero (0) on the assignment, students may also face other penalties, up to and including, expulsion from the University. Should you have any doubt about the moral and/or ethical implications of an activity associated with the completion of this assignment, please see the instructors.
Code for all programming assignments should be well documented. A working program with no comments will receive only partial credit. Documentation entails providing documentation strings for all methods, classes, packages, etc., and comments throughout the code to explain the program logic. Comments in Python are preceded by # and extend to the end of the line. Documentation strings are strings in the first line of a function, method, etc., and are accessible using help(foo), where foo is the name of the method, class, etc. It is understood that some of the exercises in this programming assignment require extremely little code and will not require extensive comments.
While few programming assignments pretend to mimic the "real" world, they may, nevertheless, contain some of the ambiguity that exists outside the classroom. If, for example, an assignment is amenable to differing interpretations, such that more than one algorithm may implement a correct solution to the assignment, it is incumbent upon the programmer to document not only the functionality of the algorithm (and more broadly his/her interpretation of the program requirements), but to articulate clearly the reasoning behind a particular choice of solution.
The overall objective of this assignment is to introduce you to
Python. Emphasis will be placed on text and string manipulations and should use
some of Python's facilities for iterating over structures.
The assignment is spread over three python files
and one text file news.txt
that you need to download.
The first two files contain several skeleton Python functions, with missing
bodies, i.e. expressions, which currently contain the text
raise Failure("to be written")
or pass
Your task is to replace the text in those files with the the
appropriate Python code for each of those expressions. An emphasis
should be placed on writing concise, easy to read code.
Your functions/programs must compile and/or run on a Linux ACS machine (e.g. ieng6.ucsd.edu), as this is where the verification of your solutions will occur. While you may develop your code on any system, ensure that your code runs as expected on an ACS machine prior to submission. You should test your code in the directories from which the zip files (see below) will be created, as this will approximate the environment used for grading the assignment.
Most of the points, except those for comments and style, will be awarded
automatically, by evaluating your functions against a given test suite.
The third file, test.py contains a very small suite of tests which
gives you a flavor of these tests. At any stage, by typing at the UNIX
shell :
python3 < test.py | grep "130>>" > log
you will get a report on how your code stacks up against the simple
The last (or near the bottom) line of the file log must contain the word "Compiled" otherwise you get a zero for the whole assignment. If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile, leave it as is with the raise ..., with your partial solution enclosed below as a comment. There will be no exceptions to this rule. The second last line of the log file will contain your overall score, and the other lines will give you a readout for each test. You are encouraged to try to understand the code in test.py, and subsequently devise your own tests and add them to test.py, but you will not be graded on this.
Alternately, inside the Python shell, type (user input is in red):
>>> import test
130>> Results: ...
130>> Compiled
and it should print a pair of integers, reflecting your score and
the max possible score on the sample tests. If instead an error
message appears, your code will receive a zero.
Your solutions to this assignment will be stored in separate files under a directory called pa6_solution/, inside which you will place the files: misc.py, vector.py . These two files listed are the versions of the corresponding supplied files that you will have modified. There should be no other files in the directory.
After creating and populating the directory as described above, create a zip file called <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa6.zip by going into the directory pa6_solution and executing the UNIX shell command:
zip <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa6.zip *
Once you've created the zip file with your solutions, you will use the validate_pa6 program to see whether your zip file's structure is well-formed to be inspected by our grading system by executing the UNIX shell command:
validate_pa6 <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa6.zipThe validate_pa6 program will output OK if your zip file is well-formed and your solution is compiled. Otherwise, it will output some error messages. Before going to step 3, make sure that your zip file passes validate_pa6 program. Otherwise you get a zero for the whole assignment. If you have any trouble with this, refer to the instructions in step 1.
Once you've created the zip file with your solutions, you will use the turnin_pa6 program to submit this file for grading by going into the directory pa6_solution/ and executing the UNIX shell command:
turnin_pa6 <LastName>_<FirstName>_cse130_pa6.zipThe turnin_pa6 program will provide you with a confirmation of the submission process; make sure that the size of the file indicated by turnin_pa6 matches the size of your zip file. (turnin_pa6 is a thin wrapper script around the ACMS command turnin that repeats validation and ensures that the propper assignment name is passed). Note that you may submit multiple times, but your latest submission overwrites previous submissions, and will be the ONLY one we grade. If you submit before the assignment deadline, and again afterwards, we will count it as if you only submitted after the deadline.
Using .py Files
To load foo.py into python, where bar() is defined in foo.py do the following:import fooModify foo.py, then to reload it:
from importlib import reloadIf you use the following syntax instead, you have to restart python to reload it.
from foo import *
Useful Links
Quirks / Features of Python
Write a function closest_to(l,v) , which returns the element of the list l closest in value to v. In the case of a tie, the first such element is returned. If l is empty, None is returned. Once implemented you should get the following behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> from misc import * # this will load everything in misc.py >>> closest_to([2,4,8,9],7)
>>> closest_to([2,4,8,9],5)
Now, write a function make_dict(keys,vals) which takes a list of keys and a list of values and returns a dictionary (dict) pairing keys to corresponding values. Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> make_dict(["foo","baz"],["bar","blah"])
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'blah'}
>>> make_dict([1],[100])
{1: 100}
Write a Python function word_count(filename) that takes a string, filename, and returns a dictionary mapping words to the number of times they occur in the file filename. For this function, a word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters and underscore. All other characters should be ignored. Words should be returned in lower case, and case should be ignored when counting occurrences. Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> word_count("news.txt")
{'all': 2, 'code': 2, 'gupta': 1, 'results': 1, 'four': 1, 'edu': 2, ...}
Add a constructor to the Vector
class. The constructor
should take a single argument. If this argument is an int or an instance of a class derived from int, then
consider this argument to be the length of the Vector
In this case, construct a Vector
of the specified length
with each element is initialized to 0.0. If the length is negative,
raise a ValueError
with an appropriate message. If the
argument is not considered to be the length, then if the argument is a
sequence (such as a list), then initialize with vector with the length
and values of the given sequence. If the argument is not used as the
length of the vector and if it is not a sequence, then raise a
with an appropriate message.
method to return a string of
python code which could be used to initialize the Vector
This string of code should consist of the name of the class followed
by an open parenthesis followed by the contents of the vector
represented as a list followed by a close parenthisis.
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following
behavior at the Python prompt:
>>> from vector import *
>>> Vector(3)
Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
>>> Vector([4.5, "foo", 0])
Vector([4.5, 'foo', 0])
>>> Vector(0)
>>> Vector(-4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "vector.py", line 14, in __init__
raise ValueError("Vector length cannot be negative")
ValueError: Vector length cannot be negative
Implement the functions __len__
and __iter__
in Vector
. The function __len__
return the length of the __iter__
should return an object that can iterate over
the elements of the Vector
. This is most easily done
using yield()
. See here for
more information.
>>> from vector import *
>>> [x*2 for x in Vector([3,3.25,"foo"])]
[6, 6.5, 'foofoo']
>>> len(Vector(23))
Implement the + and += operators for Vector
. The other
argument to + and the second argument to += can be any sequence of the
same length as the vector
. All of these should implement
component-wise addition. See here for more
information on how to implement these operators. Other arithmetic
operators are implemented in a similar way, however it is not
required for this assignment.
>>> from vector import *
>>> Vector([6,8,2])+Vector([4,-3,2])
Vector([10, 5, 4])
>>> Vector([6,8,2])+[4,-3,2]
Vector([10, 5, 4])
>>> (6,8,2)+Vector([4,-3,2])
Vector([10, 5, 4])
>>> v=Vector(["f","b"])
>>> v+=("oo","oo")
>>> v
Vector(['foo', 'boo'])
Add the method dot
which takes either a
or a sequence and returns the dot product of the
argument with current Vector
instance. The dot product
is defined as the sum of the component-wise products. The behavior of
this function if any elements are not numeric is undefined.
>>> from vector import *
>>> Vector([6,8,2]).dot(Vector([4,-3,2]))
>>> Vector([6,8,2]).dot([4,-3,2])
Implement the __getitem__
and __setitem__
methods to allow element level access to the Vector
Indexing should be 0 based (as in C). If the index is negative, it
should translate to the length of the Vector
plus the
index. Thus, index -1 is the last element. If the index is out of
range, your implementation should raise an IndexError
with an appropriate message. This behavior should be identical to
that of a list. These methods should preserve the length of the
>>> from vector import *
>>> v=Vector(7)
>>> v[4]
>>> v[4]="foo"
>>> v[4]
>>> v
Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 'foo', 0.0, 0.0])
Extend your implementation of __getitem__
methods to allow slice level
access to the Vector
. These methods should preserve the
length of the Vector
. If an assignment to a slice would
change the length of the vector, raise a ValueError
exception. The semantics otherwise should mimic those of list
>>> from vector import *
>>> v=Vector(7)
>>> v[2:4]=[4,4]
>>> v
Vector([0.0, 0.0, 4, 4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
>>> v[6:2:-3]=[-1,-2]
>>> v
Vector([0.0, 0.0, 4, -2, 0.0, 0.0, -1])
Implement comparison functions for Vectors
. Two vectors
should be considered equal if each element in the first
is equal to the respective element in the second
. A Vector
, a, should be considered
greater than a Vector
, b, if the largest element of a is
greater than the largest element of b. If the largest elements of
both are equal, then compare the second-largest elements, and so
forth. If every pair compared in this fashion is equal, then a should
not be considered greater than b, but a should be considered greater
than or equal to b. Note that if a is greater than b, then a is also greater than or equal to b. If a is greater than b, then b is less than a.
This is a nonstandard method for comparing vectors, and for a pair of
vectors v and w, v>=w does not imply that v>w or v==w. When a
is compared to something that isn't a
, they should never be equal. You can assume that a Vector will never be compared with something that is not a Vector for any comparison operators other than "==", "!=". (i.e. you don't need to handle non-vectors when you implement <, >, <=, >=).
You can also assume that vectors will not be compared with a Vector of a different length.
>>> from vector import *
>>> a=Vector([1,3,5])
>>> b=Vector([5,1,3])
>>> c=Vector([4,5,4])
>>> a<b
>>> a>b
>>> a>=b
>>> a>c
>>> a<c
>>> a>=c
>>> a<=c
>>> a==c
>>> a==a
>>> a!=c
>>> a!=[1,3,5]