IN CLASS path_2(A,B) :- link(A,C), link(C,B). path_3(A,B) :- link(A,C), path_2(C,B). path_N(A,B,N) :- N=1,link(A,B). path_N(A,B,N) :- N>1,link(A,C),M is N-1, path_N(C,B,M). path(A, B) :- path_helper(A, B, [A]). % In path_helper below, Seen is the cities we have see so far, so we % can avoid cycles. path_helper(A, B, Seen) :- link(A,B), not(member(B, Seen)). path_helper(A, B, Seen) :- link(A,C), not(member(C, Seen)), path_helper(C,B,[C|Seen]). let key_of_max_val d = let fold_fn (maxk,maxv) (k,v) = if v > maxv then (k,v) else (maxk,maxv) in match d with | [] -> raise Not_found | base::t -> let (maxk, _) = List.fold_left fold_fn base t in maxk;; def square_img(img): return [ [ x*x for x in l ] for l in img ] def crop_img(img,x1,y1,x2,y2): return [ l[x1:x2] for l in img[y1:y2] ] def zip(l1,l2): return [(l1[i], l2[i]) for i in range(min(len(l1), len(l2)))] def add_imgs(img1, img2): return [ [ x+y for (x,y) in zip(l1,l2) ] for (l1,l2) in zip(img1,img2)] SUNDAY DEC 9 type ’a tree = | Empty | Node of ’a * ’a tree list;; let rec tree_zip t1 t2 = match (t1,t2) with | (Empty, Empty) -> Empty | (Node (d1,l1), Node (d2,l2)) -> Node ((d1,d2), (fun (a,b)-> tree_zip a b) (zip l1 l2)) | _ -> raise Mismatch;; zip([],[],[]). zip([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[[H1,H2]|ZT1T2]) :- zip(T1,T2,ZT1T2). part([],_,[],[]). part([H|T],P,L,R) :- H <= P, part(T,P,Y,Z), L=[H|Y], R=Z. part([H|T],P,L,R) :- H > P, part(T,P,Y,Z), L=Y, R = [H|Z]. qsort([],[]). qsort([H|T], R) :- part(T,H,Y,Z), qsort(Y,SY), qsort(Z,SZ), append(SY,[H|SZ],SYHSZ), R = SYHSZ. def count_live_neighbours(g, x, y): live = 0 for x_delta in [ -1 , 0 , 1 ]: for y_delta in [ -1 , 0 , 1 ]: if (x_delta != 0 || y_delta != 0) && access(g,x+x_delta,y+y_delta) == 1: live = live + 1 return live def new_val(g, x, y): lc = count_live_neighbours(g, x, y) cl = access(g,x,y) if cl == 1 && lc < 2: return 0 if cl == 1 && lc >= 2 && lc <= 3: return 1 if cl == 1 && lc > 3: return 0 if cl == 0 && lc == 3: return 1 return 0 def step(g): height = len(g) width = len(g[0]) return [ new_val(g,x,y) for x in range(width) for y in range(height) ] def lift_1(f): def decorated(x): return [ f(e) for e in x ] return decorated def lift_2(f): def decorated(x,y): return [ f(x[i],y[i]) for i in range(len(x))] return decorated def lift(f): def decorated(*args): return [ f(*l) for l in transpose(args) ] return decorated MONDAY DEC 10 let rec lookup n s = match n with | EmptyNameSpace -> raise NotFound | Info ([],ns) -> lookup ns s | Info ((k,v)::t,ns) -> if k = s then v else lookup (Info(t,ns)) s sat(var(X)) :- X = 1. sat(not(var(X))) :- X = 0. sat(and([])). sat(and([X | Tail])) :- sat(X), sat(and(Tail)). sat(or([])) :- fail. %% Fill in the other case(s) for ‘‘or’’ here: sat(or([X | Tail])) :- sat(X). sat(or([_ | Tail])) :- sat(or(Tail)) bool(X) :- X = 0. bool(X) :- X = 1. bools([]). bools([X | Tail]) :- bool(X), bools(Tail). allsat(V,E) :- bools(V), sat(var(X)). def fill_region(img, oldcolor, newcolor, x, y): img[y][x] = newcolor for (x1, y1) in [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]: try: if img[y+y1][x+x1] == oldcolor: fill_region(img, oldcolor, newcolor, x+x1, y+y1) except: pass sorted([]). sorted([_]). sorted([A,B|T]) :- A =< B, sorted([B|T]). sort(L1,L2) :- permutation(L1,L2), sorted(L2),!. split([], [], []). split([X], [X], []). split([X | T], [X|B], A) :- split(T,A,B). let rec merge l1 l2 = match (l1, l2) with | ([], l) -> l | (l, []) -> l | (x::t1, y::t2) -> if x <= y then x::(merge t1 l2) else y::(merge l1 t2) merge([],L,L). merge(L,[],L). merge([X|T1], [Y|T2], R) :- X =< Y, merge(T1,[Y|T2],RR), R = [X|RR]. merge([X|T1], [Y|T2], R) :- X > Y, merge([X|T1], T2, RR), R = [Y|RR]. merge_sort([], []). merge_sort([X], [X]). merge_sort(L,S) :- split(L,L1,L2), merge_sort(L1,SL1), merge_sort(L2,SL2) merge(SL1,SL2,S). remove_all(_,[],[]). remove_all(X,[X|T],R) :- remove_all(X,T,R) remove_all(X,[H|T],[H|R]) :- not(X=H),remove_all(X,T,R). remove_first(_,[],[]). remove_first(X,[X|T],T). remove_first(X,[H|T],[H|R]) :- not(X=H),remove_first(X,T,R). prefix([],_). prefix([H|T1],[H|T2]) :- prefix(T1,T2). segment(A,B) :- prefix(A,B). segment(A,[H|T]) :- segment(A,T). def print_some(l): class deco: def __init__(self,f): self.f = f def __call__(self,*args): for i in l: if i >= 0 and i < len(args): print("Arg " + str(i) + ": " + str(args[i])) rv = self.f(*args) if (-1 in l): print("Return: " + str(rv)) return rv return deco