CSE 130 - Programming Assignment #3 FAQ

  1. Do we have to handle negative numbers in part 2?

  2. No. You can assume all big numbers are positive

  3. What is the behavior of bigAdd/mulByDigit/bigMul when multiplying by 0?

  4. # mulByDigit 0 [1;2;3];;
    - : int list = []
    # bigAdd [0] [0];;
    - : int list = []
    # bigMul [0] [1;2;3];;
    - : int list = []
    # bigMul [0;0;0] [1;2;3];;
    - : int list = []

  5. Can we use List.nth for any part?

  6. Nope.

  7. Can we use List.append for 2a?

  8. Yes.

  9. Are we allowed to give a name to the "_" in (_, res) in bigAdd?

  10. No. You shouldn't need to.

  11. What library functions can we use?

  12. You can use any of the Library functions that are explicitly stated at the top of the misc.ml file: List.map List.fold_left List.fold_right List.split List.combine List.length List.append List.rev