CSE230 Fa16 - Higher-Order Functions I

Functions Are Data

In all functional languages, functions are first-class values, meaning, that they can be treated just as you would any other data. That is, you can pass functions around to in any manner that you can pass any other data around in. For example, suppose you have a simple functions plus1 and minus1 defined via the equations

> plus1 :: Int -> Int
> plus1 x = x + 1
> minus1 :: Int -> Int
> minus1 x = x - 1

Now, you can make a pair containing two instances of the function

> funp = (plus1, minus1)

Lets see what the type of the pair is

ghc> :type funp
funp :: (Int -> Int, Int -> Int)

or you can make a list containing five copies

> quiz1 = (plus1, minus1, plus1)


What is the type of quiz1 ?

A. Int -> Int B. [Int -> Int] C. [Int] -> [Int] D. (Int -> Int, Int -> Int, Int -> Int) E. Type Error

Taking Functions as Input

This innocent looking feature makes a langage surprisingly brawny and flexible, because now, we can write higher-order functions that other functions as input and return functions as output! Consider

> crunch
> listLen :: [[a]] -> Int
> listLen zs = foldr (\(xs :: a) x -> listLen xs + 1) 0 zs
> foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
> foldr op b []     = b
> foldr op b (x:xs) = x `op` (foldr op b xs)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   putStrLn "Hello"
>   putStrLn "World"
>   putStrLn "!"
> (>>)   :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
> return :: a -> IO a
> crunch :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
> crunch = foldr (>>) (return ())
> crunch           [] = return ()
> crunch         [a3] = a3 >> return ()
> crunch     [a2, a3] = a2 >> a3 >> return ()
> crunch [a1, a2, a3] = a1 >> a2 >> a3 >> return ()
> act1 :: IO ()
> act1 = putStrLn "Hello"
> act2 :: IO ()
> act2 = putStrLn "World"
> act3 :: IO ()
> act2 = putStrLn "!"
> -- add1 y = plus1 y
> -- add1 99 ====> plus1 99 ====> 99 + 1 ===> 100
> {-
> foo []     = 0
> foo (x:xs) = x + foo xs
> foo []     = 1
> foo (x:xs) = x * foo xs
> foldr op b
>        x1   :  x2   :  x3  :  []
>   ===> x1 `op` (x2 `op` (x3 `op` (x4 `op` b)))
>     ((((b `op` x1) `op` x2) `op` x3) `op` x4)
> foldl' op b []           = b
> foldl' op b (x:xs)       = foldl op (b `op` x)  xs
> foldl op b [x1]         = foldl op (b `op` x1) []
> foldl op b [x1, x2]     = (b `op` x1) `op` x2
> foldl op b [x1, x2, x3] = ((b `op` x1) `op` x2) `op` x3
> generalFunc :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
> generalFunc op b xs = foo xs
>   where
>     foo []          = b
>     foo (x:xs)      = x `op` foo xs
> -}
> bob []     = []
> bob (x:xs) = toUpper x : bob xs
> bob []     = []
> bob (x:xs) = (10 *)  x : bob xs
> map op []     = []
> map op (x:xs) = op x : map op xs
> stringUpper = map toUpper
> timesTen    = map (10 *)
> -- add1 = plus1
> -- add1 99 ===> plus1 99 ===> 99 + 1 ===> 100
> doTwice   = doMany 2
> doThrice' = doMany 3
> doMany :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
> doMany 0 _ x = x
> doMany n f x = doMany (n-1) f (f x)
> pos :: Int -> Bool
> pos n = n > 0
> plusm m = \n -> n + m
> -- plus1'' :: Int -> Int
> plus1'' n = plusm 1 -- n + 1
> plus2'' = plusm 2 -- n + 2
> plus3'' = plusm 3 -- n + 3

foo x _ = x + 1

(plus1’’ _ 10 =====> ?????

A. 11 B. ERROR […freedom…] C. ERROR […type….]

plus1’‘10 ===> plusm 1 ===> -> n + 1 plus1’’ 10 ===> (plusm 1) 10 ===> (-> n + 1) 10 ====> 10 + 1 ==> 11

Here, doTwice takes two inputs a function f and value x, and returns the the result of applying f to x, and feeding that result back into f to get the final output, thereby twice applying f to x in a manner of speaking. Note how the raw code is clearer to understand than my long-winded English description!

Lets run it,

ghc> doTwice plus1 10
ghc> doTwice minus1 100

Did I mention that the execution model is just substitute equals for equals

doTwice plus1 10 == {- unfold doTwice -}
                    plus1 (plus1 10)
                 == {- unfold plus1 -}
		    plus1 (10 + 1)
		 == {- unfold plus1 -}
		    (10 + 1) + 1
		 == {- old-school arithmetic -}

Returning Functions as Output

Similarly, it can be useful to write functions that return new functions as output. For example, rather than writing different versions plus1, plus2, plus3 etc. we can just write a single function plusn as

> plusn :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
> plusn n = f
>           where f x = x + n

plus10 1000 == (plusn 10) 1000 == (f where f x = x + 10) 1000 == (f 1000) where f x = x + 10 == 1000 + 10 == 1010

That is, plusn returns as output a function f which itself takes as input an integer x and adds n to it. Lets use it

> plus10  = plusn 10
> minus20 = plusn (-20)

Note the types of the above

plus10 :: Int -> Int

That is, plus10 will take an input integer and return the incremented-by-10 integer as output.

ghc> plus10 100

ghc> minus20 1000

You can also directly use plusn

ghc> (plusn 25) 100

What happened? You do the math

(plusn 25) 100 == {- unfold plusn -}
                  f 100
                  where f x = x + 25
               == {- unfold f -}
                  100 + 25
               == {- arithmetic -}

Super easy!

Partial Application

In regular arithmetic, the - operator is left-associative. Hence,

	2 - 1 - 1 == (2 - 1) - 1 == 0

(and not 2 - (1 - 1) == 2 !). Just like - is an arithmetic operator that takes two numbers and returns an number, in Haskell, -> is a type operator that takes two types, the input and output and returns a new function type.

However, -> is right-associative : the type

	Int -> Int -> Int

is equivalent to

	Int -> (Int -> Int)

That is, the first type of function, which takes two integers, is in reality a function that takes a single integer as input, and returns as output a function from integers to integers! Enriched with this knowledge, consider the function

> plus     :: Int -> Int -> Int
> plus n x = n + x

Thus, whenever we use plus we can either pass in both the inputs at once

ghci> plus 10 20

or instead, we can partially apply the function, by just passing in only one input

> plusfive :: Int -> Int
> plusfive = plus 5

thereby getting as output a function that is waiting for the second input (at which point it will produce the final result.)

ghci> plus5 1000

Again, how ? (Cough) Substitute equals for equals

plusfive 1000 == {- definition of plusfive -}
	         plus 5 1000
	      == {- unfold plus -}
	         5 + 1000
              == 1005

Finally, by now it should be pretty clear that plusn n is equivalent to the partially applied plus n.


If you have been following so far, you should know what is the value of quiz2 ?

> quiz2   = doTwice (plus 20) 100
>   where
>     zog = doTwice (plus 20)
> -- plus n m = n + m

A. Type Error B. 40 C. 100 D. 120 E. 140

First, see if you can figure out the type.

> doTwicePlus20 = doTwice (plus 20)
doTwicePlus20 :: Int -> Int

Next, see if you can figure out how this evaluates.

ghci> doTwicePlus20 0

Anonymous Functions

As we have seen, with Haskell, it is quite easy to create function values that are not bound to any name. For example the expression plus 1000 yields a function value that is not bound to any name.

We will see many situations where a particular function is only used once, and hence, there is no need to explicitly name it. Haskell provides a mechanism to create such anonymous functions. For example,

\x -> x + 1

is an expression that corresponds to a function that takes an argument x and returns as output the value x + 2. The function has no name, but we can use it in the same place where we would write a function.

ghci> (\x -> x + 1) 100
ghci> doTwice (\x -> x + 1) 100

Of course, we could name the function if we wanted to

> plus1' :: Int -> Int
> plus1' = \x -> x + 1

Indeed, in general, a function defining equation

f x1 x2 ... xn = e

is equivalent to

f = \x1 x2 ... xn -> e

Infix Operations and Sections

In order to improve readability, Haskell allows you to use certain functions as infix operations: a function whose name appears in parentheses can be used as an infix operation. My personal favorite infix operator is the pipeline function defined thus

> (|>) x f = f x

Huh? Doesn’t seem so compelling does it? Actually, its very handy because I can now write deeply nested function applications in an easy to read unix-style pipes manner. For example

ghci> 0 |> plus 1
ghci> 0 |> plus 1 |> plus5

We can get a triple-repeating version of doTwice as

> doThrice f x = x |> f |> f |> f
> append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys
> append _      ys = ys

It is easy to check that

doThrice f x == f (f (f x))

We will see many other such operators in the course of the class; indeed many standard operators including that we have used already are defined in this manner in the standard library.

ghci> :type (+)
(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
ghci> :type (++)
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
ghci> :type (:)
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]

Furthermore, Haskell allows you to use any function as an infix operator, simply by wrapping it inside backticks.

ghci> 2 `plus` 3

Recall the function from the last lecture

> clone         :: Int -> a -> [a]
> clone n x
>   | n <= 0    = []
>   | otherwise = x : clone (n-1) x

We invoke it in an infix-style like so

ghci> 30 `clone` 3

To further improve readability, Haskell allows you to use partially applied infix operators, ie infix operators with only a single argument. These are called sections. Thus, the section (+1) is simply a function that takes as input a number, the argument missing on the left of the + and returns that number plus 1.

ghci> doThrice (+1) 0

Similarly, the section (1:) takes a list of numbers and returns a new list with 1 followed by the input list. Consequently,

ghci> doTwice (1:) [2..5]


We used to doTwice to repeat an arithmetic operation, but the actual body of the function is oblivious to how f behaves. For example,

ghci> doTwice (+1) 0

ghci> doTwice (++ "I don't care! ") "Isn't this neat ?"
"Isn't this neat ? I don't care! I don't care! "

Thus, doTwice is polymorphic in that it works with different kinds of values, eg functions that increment integers and concatenate strings. This is vital for abstraction. The general notion of repeating, ie doing twice is entirely independent of the specific operation that is being repeated, and so we shouldn’t have to write separate repeaters for integers and strings. Polymorphism allows us to reuse the same abstraction doTwice in different settings.

Of course, with great power, comes great responsibility.

The section (10 <) takes an integer and returns True iff the integer is greater than 10

> greaterThan10 :: Int -> Bool
> greaterThan10 = (10 <)


What is the value of:

A. True B. False C. Type Error D. Run-time Error E. 101

Indeed, because the input and output types are different, it doesn’t make sense to try doTwice greaterThan10

ghci> doTwice greaterThan10 100

    Couldn't match typeBool’ with ‘IntExpected type: Int -> Int
      Actual type: Int -> Bool
    In the first argument of ‘doTwice’, namely ‘greaterThan10’
    In the expression: doTwice greaterThan10 100

Urgh!!! However, a quick glance at the type of doTwice would have spared us this grief.

ghci> :type doTwice
doTwice :: (t -> t) -> t -> t

The t above is a type variable. The signature above states that the first argument to doTwice must be a function that maps values of type t to t, ie must produce an output that has the same type as its input (so that that output can be fed into the function again!) The second argument must also be a t at which point we may are guaranteed that the result from doTwice will also be a t. The above holds for any t which allows us to safely re-use doTwice in different settings. Of course, if the input and output type of the input function are different, as in greaterThan10 then the function is incompatible with doTwice.


Ok, to make sure you’re following, what is the type of:

> foo x f = f x

What is the type of foo ?

A. a -> a B. (a -> a) -> a C. a -> b -> a -> b D. a -> (a -> b) -> b E. a -> b -> a

Polymorphic Data Structures

Polymorphic functions which can operate on different kinds values are often associated with polymorphic data structures which can contain different kinds of values. These are also represented by types containing type variables.

For example, the list length function

> len        :: [a] -> Int
> len []     = 0
> len (x:xs) = 1 + len xs

doesn’t peep inside the actual contents of the list; it only counts how many there are. This property is crisply specified in the function’s signature, which states that we can invoke len on any kind of list. The type variable a is a placeholder that is replaced with the actual type of the list at different application sites. Thus, in the below instances, a is replaced with Double, Char and [Int] respectively.

ghci> len [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4]

ghci> len "mmm donuts!"

ghci> len [[], [1], [1,2], [1,2,3]]

Most standard list manipulating functions, for example those in the standard library Data.List have generic types. You’ll find that the type signature contains a surprising amount of information about how the function behaves.

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
head :: [a] -> a
tail :: [a] -> [a]

Bottling Computation Patterns With Polymorphic Higher-Order Functions

The tag-team of polymorphism and higher-order functions is the secret sauce that makes FP so tasty. It allows us to take arbitrary, patterns of computation that reappear in different guises in different places, and crisply specify them as safely reusable strategies. That sounds very woolly (I hope), lets look at some concrete examples.

Computation Pattern: Iteration

Lets write a function that converts a string to uppercase. Recall that in Haskell, a String is just a list of Char. We must start with a function that will convert an individual Char to its uppercase version. Once we find this function, we will simply jog over the list, and apply the function to each Char.

How might we find such a transformer? Lets query Hoogle for a function of the appropriate type! Ah, we see that the module Data.Char contains a function.

toUpper :: Char -> Char

and so now, we can write the simple recursive function

toUpperString []     = []
toUpperString (c:cs) = toUpper c : toUpperString cs

As you might imagine, this sort of recursion appears all over the place. For example, suppose I represent a using a pair of Double (for the x- and y- coordinates.) and I have a list of points that represent a polygon.

> type XY      = (Double, Double)
> type Polygon = [XY]

Now, its easy to write a function that shifts a point by a specific amount

> shiftXY :: XY -> XY -> XY
> shiftXY (dx, dy) (x, y) = (x + dx, y + dy)

How would we translate a polygon? Just jog over all the points in the polygon and translate them individually

shiftPoly :: XY -> Polygon -> Polygon
shiftPoly d []     = []
shiftPoly d (x:xs) = shiftXY d x : shiftPoly d xs

uppercase :: [Char] -> [Char]
uppercase []       = []
uppercse (x:xs)    = toUpper x : uppercase xs

Now, in a lesser language, you might be quite happy with the above code. But what separates a good programmer from a great one, is the ability to abstract.

Like humans and monkeys, the functions toUpperString and shiftPoly share 93% of their DNA – the notion of jogging over the list. The common pattern is described by the polymorphic higher-order function map

map f []     = []
map f (x:xs) = (f x) : (map f xs)

How did we arrive at this? Well, you find what is enshrine in the function’s body that which is common to the different instances, namely the recursive jogging strategy; and the bits that are different, simply become the function’s parameters! Thus, the map function abstracts, or if you have a vivid imagination, locks up in a bottle, the extremely common pattern of jogging over the list.

Fairy In a Bottle

Fairy In a Bottle

Verily, the type of map tells us exactly what it does

ghci> :type map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

That is, it takes an a -> b transformer and list of a values, and transforms each value to return a list of b values. We can now safely reuse the pattern, by instantiating the transformer with different specific operations.

> toUpperString = map toUpper
> shiftPoly     = map shiftXY

Much better.

By the way, what happened to the parameters of toUpperString and shiftPoly? Two words: partial application. In general, in Haskell, a function definition equation

f x = e x

is identical to

f = e

as long as x doesn’t appear in e. Thus, to save ourselves the trouble of typing, and the blight of seeing, the vestigial x we often prefer to just leave it out altogether.

As an exercise, to prove to yourself using just equational reasoning (using the different equality laws we have seen) that the above versions of toUpperString and shiftPoly are equivalent.

Computation Pattern: Folding

Once you’ve put on the FP goggles, you start seeing computation patterns everywhere.

Lets write a function that adds all the elements of a list.

listAdd []     = 0
listAdd (x:xs) = x + listAdd xs

Next, a function that multiplies the elements of a list.

listMul []     = 1
listMul (x:xs) = x * (listMul xs)

Can you see the pattern? Again, the only bits that are different are the base case value, and the op being performed at each step. We’ll just turn those into parameters, and lo!

foldr op base []     = base
foldr op base (x:xs) = x `op` (foldr op base xs)

Now, each of the individual functions are just specific instances of the general foldr pattern.

> listAdd :: [Int] -> Int
> listAdd = foldr (+) 0
> listMul :: [Int] -> Int
> listMul = foldr (*) 1

To develop some intuition about foldr lets “run” it a few times by hand.

foldr op base [x1,x2,...,xn]
  == {- unfold -}
     x1 `op` (foldr op base [x2,...,xn])
  == {- unfold -}
     x1 `op` (x2 `op` (foldr op base [...,xn]))
  == {- unfold -}
     x1 `op` (x2 `op` (... `op` (xn `op` base)))

Aha! It has a rather pleasing structure that mirrors that of lists; the : is replaced by the op and the [] is replaced by base. Thus, can you see how to use it to eliminate recursion from the recursion from


Which of these is a valid implementation of listLen

A. listLen = foldr (\n -> n + 1) 0 B. listLen = foldr (+ 1) 0 C. listLen = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0 D. listLen = foldr (\xs x -> listLen xs) 0 E. All of the above

How would you use it to eliminate the recursion from

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)
> factorial n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]

One last pattern exercise. How about this fellow from last lecture:

crunch :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
crunch []       = return ()
crunch (a:acts) = do { a; fuseActions acts }

Can you spot the pattern?

> fuseActions :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
> fuseActions = foldr (>>) (return ())

Which is more readable? HOFs or Recursion

As a beginner, you might think that the recursive versions of toUpperString and shiftPoly are easier to follow than the map versions. Certainly, fold takes a bit of getting used to.

However, as you get used to the light, you will find the latter is infact far easier to follow, because once abstraction gets into your bones you’ll know exactly what an instance does at a single glance.

In contrast, recursion is lower-level, so every time you see a recursive function, you have to understand how the knots are tied, and worse, there is potential for making silly off-by-one type errors if you re-jigger the basic strategy every time.

As an added bonus, it can be quite useful and profitable to parallelize and distribute the computation patterns (like map and fold) in just one place, thereby allowing arbitrary hundreds or thousands of instances to benefit in a single shot!