CSE230 Fa16 - List


A Sized List Datatype

Lets cook up our own List data type from scratch:

> data List a = Emp
>             | (:+:) a (List a)
>               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

We can write a measure that logically represents the size, i.e. number of elements of a List:

> {-@ measure size      :: List a -> Int
>     size (Emp)        = 0
>     size ((:+:) x xs) = 1 + size xs
>   @-}
> {-@ invariant {v:List a | 0 <= size v} @-}

It will be helpful to have a few abbreviations. First, lists whose size is equal to N

> {-@ type ListN a N  = {v:List a | size v = N} @-}

and then, lists whose size equals that of another list Xs:

> {-@ type ListX a Xs = {v:List a | size v = size Xs} @-}

(a) Computing the Length of a List

Write down a refined type for length:

> length            :: List a -> Int
> length Emp        = 0
> length (x :+: xs) = 1 + length xs

such that the following type checks:

> {-@ prop_size :: TRUE @-}
> prop_size  = lAssert (length l3 == 3)
> {-@ l3 :: ListN Int 3 @-}
> l3     = 3 :+: l2
> {-@ l2 :: ListN Int 2 @-}
> l2     = 2 :+: l1
> {-@ l1 :: ListN Int 1 @-}
> l1     = 1 :+: l0
> {-@ l0 :: ListN Int 0 @-}
> l0     = Emp :: List Int

(b) Constructing Lists

Fill in the implementations of the following functions so that LiquidHaskell verifies respect the given type signatures:

> {-@ empty :: ListN a 0 @-}
> empty = fixme "empty"
> {-@ add :: a -> xs:List a -> ListN a {1 + size xs} @-}
> add x xs = fixme "add" 
> {-@ singleton :: a -> ListN a 1 @-}
> singleton x = fixme "singleton"

(c) Replicating Values

Fill in the code, and update the refinement type specification for replicate n x which should return a List n copies of the value x:

> {-@ replicate :: Int -> a -> List a @-}
> replicate = fixme "replicate"

When you are done, the following assertion should be verified by LH.

> {-@ prop_replicate :: Nat -> a -> TRUE @-}
> prop_replicate n x = lAssert (n == length (replicate n x))

(d) Map

Fix the specification for map such that the assertion in prop_map is verified by LH. (This will require you to first complete part (a) above.)

> {-@ map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b @-}
> map f Emp        = Emp
> map f (x :+: xs) = f x :+: map f xs
> {-@ prop_map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> TRUE @-}
> prop_map f xs = lAssert (length xs == length (map f xs))

(e) Fold

Fix the specification for foldr1 so that the call to die is verified by LH:

> {-@ foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> a @-}
> foldr1 op (x :+: xs) = foldr op x xs
> foldr1 op Emp        = die "Cannot call foldr1 with empty list"
> foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
> foldr _  b Emp        = b
> foldr op b (x :+: xs) = x `op` (foldr op b xs)

(f) ZipWith

Fix the specification of zipWith so that LH verifies:

> {-@ zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> List a -> List b -> List c @-}
> zipWith _ Emp Emp               = Emp
> zipWith f (x :+: xs) (y :+: ys) = f x y :+: zipWith f xs ys
> zipWith f _          _          = die  "Bad call to zipWith"
> {-@ prop_zipWith :: Num a => List a -> TRUE @-}
> prop_zipWith xs = lAssert (length xs == length x2s)
>   where
>     x2s         = zipWith (+) xs xs

(g) List Concatenation (Hard?)

Fill in the (refinement type) specification and implementation for the function concat such that when you are done, the assert inside prop_concat is verified by LH. Feel free to write any other code or specification (types, measures) that you need.

> {-@ concat :: List (List a) -> List a @-}
> concat = fixme "concat"
> prop_concat = lAssert (length (concat xss) == 6)
>   where
>     xss     = l0 :+: l1 :+: l2 :+: l3 :+: Emp