CSE230 Fa16 - KMeans

K-Means Clustering

Next, lets use our MapReduce library to implement K-Means Clustering

Points and Clusters

First, lets define the various types that model the key entities in clustering.

> -- | N-Dimensional Point
> type Point   = List Double
> {-@ type PointN N = ListN Double N @-}

A Center is a number between 0 and k (written CenterK k).

> type Center  = Int
> {-@ type CenterK K = {v:Int | 0 <= v && v < K} @-}

A Centering is a map from Centers to Points. Our clustering algorithm will aim to group a (large) set of Points into k representatives. Thus, a k-n-Centering is a map from CenterK k to PointN n:

> type Centering = M.Map Center Point
> {-@ type CenteringKN K N = M.Map (CenterK K) (PointN N) @-}

A Cluster is a pair of a number of points (denoting the cluster size) and the co-ordinates denoting the (sum of) the co-ordinates of all the points in the cluster. We represent n-dimensional clusters as ClusterN n; note that the cluster size is strictly positive as we will never represent empty clusters.

> type Cluster = (Int, Point)
> {-@ type ClusterN N = (Pos, PointN N) @-}
> {-@ type Pos        = {v:Int | v > 0} @-}

(a) Computing Euclidean Distance

If you did the zipWith problem, then you should see an error in the implementation of distance which computes the Euclidean Distance between two points. Fix the specification (not the code) of distance so that the code is verified by LH:

> {-@ distance :: n:Nat -> Point -> Point -> Double @-}
> distance n px py = sqrt $ foldr (+) 0 $ zipWith (\x y -> (x - y) ^ 2) px py

(b) Map Points To Nearest Center

Use distance to fill in the implementation of nearest so that LH verifies the given type signature.

> {-@ nearest :: k:Nat -> n:Nat -> CenteringKN k n -> PointN n -> CenterK k @-}
> nearest k n centers p = fixme "nearest"

You may want to use the helper minKeyMap that computes the key with the smallest value in a Map:

> --- >>> minKeyMap (M.fromList [(0, 12), (1, 23), (2, 7), (3,18)])
> --- 2
> minKeyMap  :: (Ord v) => M.Map k v -> k
> minKeyMap  = minKeyList . M.toList
> minKeyList    :: (Ord v) => [(k,v)] -> k
> minKeyList xs = fst $ minimumBy (\x1 x2 -> compare (snd x1) (snd x2)) xs

When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

> -- >>> test_nearest
> -- 1
> test_nearest = nearest 3 2 (M.fromList [(0, p0), (1, p1), (2, p2)]) p
>   where
>     p, p0, p1, p2 :: Point
>     p0 = add 0.0 (add 0.0 empty)
>     p1 = add 3.0 (add 0.0 empty)
>     p2 = add 0.0 (add 3.0 empty)
>     p  = add 2.9 (add 1.1 empty)

(c) Reduce Clusters

Fix the specification below so that that LH verifies mergeCluster which takes two Cluster and merges them by adding up their points and centers. (Leave the code unmodified).

> {-@ mergeCluster :: n:Nat -> Cluster -> Cluster -> Cluster @-}
> mergeCluster n (n1, p1) (n2, p2) = (n1 + n2, zipWith (+) p1 p2)

Note: The code above uses zipWith; so you will only see the error and be able to fix it, after you solve that problem.

(d) Convert Cluster into Centroid Point

The centroid function converts a Cluster into a single Point by dividing each co-ordinate with the cluster size. Fix the specification of centroid so that LH verifies the call to divide:

> {-@ centroid :: n:Nat -> Point -> Int -> Point @-}
> centroid n p sz = map (\x -> x `divide` sz) p

Note: The code below uses map from List.lhs; and hence your solution will only work if you solved that problem first.

(e) Iterative Clustering

The Kmeans clustering algorithm is shown below:

> {-@ kmeans :: Nat -> k:Nat -> n:Nat ->
>               List (PointN n) -> CenteringKN k n -> CenteringKN k n
>   @-}
> kmeans steps k n ps = repeat steps (kmeans1 k n ps)
> repeat :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
> repeat 0 f x = x
> repeat n f x = repeat (n-1) f (f x)

In essence we start with an initial k centering, and repeatedly update it by calling kmeans1 which takes as input a list of n dimensional points, a centering and returns a new centering (with k centers and n dimensional points). The new centers are computed by:

  1. Mapping each point to its nearest center,
  2. Grouping all the points mapped to a center into a new cluster,
  3. Reducing the clusters by adding up all the points inside them, and
  4. Normalizing each cluster to its centroid.
> {-@ kmeans1 :: k:Nat -> n:Nat ->
>                List (PointN n) -> CenteringKN k n -> CenteringKN k n
>   @-}
> kmeans1 k n ps cs = normalize newClusters
>   where
>     normalize     :: M.Map a Cluster -> M.Map a Point
>     normalize     = M.map (\(sz, p) -> centroid n p sz)
>     newClusters   = mapReduce fm fr ps
>     fm p          = singleton (nearest k n cs p, (1 :: Int, p))
>     fr wp1 wp2    = mergeCluster n wp1 wp2

Fix the code and specifications above so that LH verifies the the specification for kmeans and kmeans1 (i.e. verifies this entire module.)

Hint: If you did the above problems correctly, you should have to do nothing here. Otherwise, think about what type normalize should have and try to work backwards to verify that type.