> {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts, OverlappingInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Control.Monad.Error
> import Control.Monad.Writer
> import Test.QuickCheck
> import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
> import Data.List (transpose, intercalate)
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
> import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Concurrent.STM
> import Control.Monad
> import System.Exit
> import System.IO.Unsafe
> import Data.IORef
> quickCheckN n = quickCheckWith $ stdArgs { maxSuccess = n}
In this problem, we will take the bare-bones language for which we studied type inference, add features to it, and update the inference to work with those features.
The first feature we will add is pairs, ie tuples of size 2. Specifically, we have extended the language of expressions Expr
to include
data Exp = ...
| Exp `ECom` Exp -- Construct a pair of two expressions
| EFst Exp -- Extract the first element of a pair
| ESnd Exp -- Extract the second element of a pair
Correspondingly, we have extended the language of types to include
data Type = ...
| Type `TCom` Type -- Pair of two types
Extend the definition of the mgu
and ti
functions to correctly infer types for the extended language.
When you are done, you should be able to infer that the expression
> eSwap = EAbs (EV "x") $ (ELet (EV "a") (EFst (EVbl (EV "x")))
> (ELet (EV "b") (ESnd (EVbl (EV "x")))
> (EVbl (EV "b") `ECom` EVbl (EV "a"))))
has the type (equivalent to)
> tSwap = Forall [TV "a", TV "b"] $
> (TVbl (TV "a") `TCom` TVbl (TV "b")) `TArr` ((TVbl (TV "b") `TCom` TVbl (TV "a")))
Next, let us add lists, to the language. Specifically, we extend the language of expressions Expr
to include
data Exp = ...
| ENil -- empty list
| Exp `ECons` Exp -- head "cons-ed" to a tail
| EIsNil Exp -- test if a list is empty
| EDcons Exp -- return a pair of (head, tail) of (non-empty) list
Correspondingly, we have extended the language of types to include
data Type = ...
| TList Type -- TList t is a list of t values
Extend the definition of the mgu
and ti
functions to correctly infer types for the extended language.
When you are done, you should be able to infer that in the environment
> env = Map.fromList
> [ (EV "plus", Forall [] $ tArrs [TInt, TInt, TInt])
> , (EV "ite" , Forall [TV "a"] $ tArrs [TBool, TVbl (TV "a"), TVbl (TV "a"), TVbl (TV "a")])]
> tenv = TypeEnv env
the expressions eHd
and eList
> eZero = ELit (LInt 0)
> eOne = ELit (LInt 1)
> ePlus = EVbl (EV "plus")
> eInc = EAbs (EV "x") $ eApps [ePlus, eOne, EVbl (EV "x")]
> eHd = EAbs (EV "x") $ EFst (EDcons (EVbl (EV "x")))
> eTl = EAbs (EV "x") $ ESnd (EDcons (EVbl (EV "x")))
> eList = EAbs (EV "x")
> (eIf (EIsNil (EVbl (EV "x")))
> eZero
> (eInc `EApp` ((eHd `EApp` (EVbl (EV "x"))) `EApp` eZero)))
have the respective types
> tHd = Forall [TV "a"] $ (TList (TVbl (TV "a"))) `TArr` (TVbl (TV "a"))
> tTl = Forall [TV "a"] $ (TList (TVbl (TV "a"))) `TArr` (TList (TVbl (TV "a")))
> tList = Forall [] ((TList (TInt `TArr` TInt)) `TArr` TInt)
where the helper functions are defined
> tArrs = foldr1 TArr
> eApps = foldl1 EApp
> eIf = \b e1 e2 -> eApps [EVbl (EV "ite"), b, e1, e2]
Finally, we will add recursive functions to the language, via the following construct.
data Exp = ...
| ELetrec EVbl Exp Exp -- "ELetrec x e1 e2" allows x to appear in e1
We need not extend the language of types at all, and hence the mgu
function remains the same. However, the tricky bit is to figure out how to break the following cycle: we need to use the type of x to determine the type of e1, but we need to type e1 to determine the type of x!
When you are done, you should be able to infer that the expressions eTl
and eLen
> eLen = ERec (EV "len")
> (EAbs (EV "xs") $
> eIf (EIsNil (EVbl (EV "xs")))
> eZero
> (eInc `EApp`(((EVbl (EV "len")) `EApp` (eTl `EApp` (EVbl (EV "xs")))))))
> (EVbl (EV "len"))
> eMap = ERec (EV "map")
> (EAbs (EV "f") $ EAbs (EV "xs") $
> eIf (EIsNil (EVbl (EV "xs")))
> ENil
> (ECons (EVbl (EV "f") `EApp` (eHd `EApp` (EVbl (EV "xs"))))
> ((EVbl (EV "map") `EApp` (EVbl (EV "f"))) `EApp`
> (eTl `EApp` (EVbl (EV "xs"))))))
> (EVbl (EV "map"))
have the types equivalent to
> tLen = Forall [TV "a"] $ ((TList (TVbl (TV "a"))) `TArr` TInt)
> tMap = Forall [TV "a", TV "b"] $ tArrs [TVbl (TV "a") `TArr` TVbl (TV "b")
> ,TList (TVbl (TV "a"))
> ,TList (TVbl (TV "b"))]
> data Exp = EVbl EVbl
> | ELit Lit
> | EApp Exp Exp
> | EAbs EVbl Exp
> | ELet EVbl Exp Exp
> -- part (a)
> | Exp `ECom` Exp -- Construct a pair of two expressions
> | EFst Exp -- Extract the first element of a pair
> | ESnd Exp -- Extract the second element of a pair
> -- part (b)
> | ENil -- empty list
> | Exp `ECons` Exp -- head "cons-ed" to a tail
> | EIsNil Exp -- test if a list is empty
> | EDcons Exp -- return a pair of (head, tail) of (non-empty) list
> -- part (c)
> | ERec EVbl Exp Exp -- ERec x e1 e2 is like Let x e1 e2 but x can appear in e1
> deriving (Eq, Ord)
> newtype EVbl = EV String deriving (Eq, Ord)
> data Lit = LInt Integer
> | LBool Bool
> deriving (Eq, Ord)
> data Type = TVbl TVbl
> | TInt
> | TBool
> | Type `TArr` Type
> -- part (a)
> | Type `TCom` Type -- Pair of two types
> -- part (b)
> | TList Type -- TList t is a list of t values
> deriving (Eq, Ord)
> newtype TVbl = TV String deriving (Eq, Ord)
> data Scheme = Forall [TVbl] Type
> newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv (Map.Map EVbl Scheme)
> (\\) :: TypeEnv -> (EVbl, Scheme) -> TypeEnv
> (TypeEnv env) \\ (x, s) = TypeEnv $ Map.insert x s env
> type Subst = Map.Map TVbl Type
> class Substitutable a where
> apply :: Subst -> a -> a
> freeTvars :: a -> Set.Set TVbl
> instance Substitutable Type where
> apply _ TInt = TInt
> apply _ TBool = TBool
> apply su t@(TVbl a) = Map.findWithDefault t a su
> apply su (t1 `TArr` t2) = apply su t1 `TArr` apply su t2
> apply su (t1 `TCom` t2) = error "TBD"
> apply su (TList t) = error "TBD"
> freeTvars TInt = Set.empty
> freeTvars TBool = Set.empty
> freeTvars (TVbl a) = Set.singleton a
> freeTvars (t1 `TArr` t2) = freeTvars t1 `Set.union` freeTvars t2
> freeTvars (t1 `TCom` t2) = error "TBD"
> freeTvars (TList t) = error "TBD"
> instance Substitutable Scheme where
> apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply s' t
> where s' = foldr Map.delete s as
> freeTvars (Forall as t) = (freeTvars t) `Set.difference` (Set.fromList as)
> instance Substitutable a => Substitutable [a] where
> apply = map . apply
> freeTvars = foldr Set.union Set.empty . map freeTvars
> instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
> apply s (TypeEnv env) = TypeEnv $ Map.map (apply s) env
> freeTvars (TypeEnv env) = freeTvars $ Map.elems env
> empSubst :: Subst
> empSubst = Map.empty
> after :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
> su1 `after` su2 = (Map.map (apply su1) su2) `Map.union` su1
> mgu (l `TCom` r) (l' `TCom` r') = error "TBD"
> mgu (TList t1) (TList t2) = error "TBD"
> mgu (l `TArr` r) (l' `TArr` r') = do s1 <- mgu l l'
> s2 <- mgu (apply s1 r) (apply s1 r')
> return (s2 `after` s1)
> mgu (TVbl a) t = varAsgn a t
> mgu t (TVbl a) = varAsgn a t
> mgu TInt TInt = return empSubst
> mgu TBool TBool = return empSubst
> mgu t1 t2 = throwError $ "types do not unify: " ++ show t1 ++ " vs. " ++ show t2
> varAsgn a t
> | t == TVbl a = return empSubst
> | a `Set.member` (freeTvars t) = throwError $ "occur check fails: " ++ show a ++ " in " ++ show t
> | otherwise = return $ Map.singleton a t
> generalize :: TypeEnv -> Type -> Scheme
> generalize env t = Forall as t
> where as = Set.toList $ (freeTvars t) `Set.difference` (freeTvars env)
> data TIState = TIState { count :: Int }
> fresh :: (MonadState TIState m) => m Int
> fresh = do s <- get
> let n = count s
> put $ s { count = n + 1 }
> return n
> freshTVbl prefix = fresh >>= return . TVbl . TV . (prefix ++) . show
> instantiate (Forall as t) = do as' <- mapM (\ _ -> freshTVbl "a") as
> let s = Map.fromList $ zip as as'
> return $ apply s t
> ti :: (MonadState TIState m, MonadError String m) =>
> TypeEnv -> Exp -> m (Subst, Type)
> ti env (ELit (LInt _)) = return (empSubst, TInt)
> ti env (ELit (LBool _)) = return (empSubst, TBool)
> ti (TypeEnv env) (EVbl x) =
> case Map.lookup x env of
> Nothing -> throwError $ "unbound variable: " ++ show x
> Just s -> instantiate s >>= return . (,) empSubst
> ti env (EAbs x e) =
> do tv <- freshTVbl "a"
> let env' = env \\ (x, Forall [] tv)
> (s1, t1) <- ti env' e
> return (s1, (apply s1 tv) `TArr` t1)
> ti env (EApp e1 e2) =
> do tv <- freshTVbl "a"
> (s1, t1) <- ti env e1
> (s2, t2) <- ti (apply s1 env) e2
> s3 <- mgu (apply s2 t1) (TArr t2 tv)
> return (s3 `after` s2 `after` s1, apply s3 tv)
> ti env (ELet x e1 e2) =
> do (s1, t1) <- ti env e1
> let t' = generalize (apply s1 env) t1
> env' = env \\ (x, t')
> (s2, t2) <- ti (apply s1 env') e2
> return (s2 `after` s1, t2)
> ti env (e1 `ECom` e2) = error "TBD"
> ti env (EFst e) = error "TBD"
> ti env (ESnd e) = error "TBD"
> ti env ENil = error "TBD"
> ti env (e1 `ECons` e2) = error "TBD"
> ti env (EIsNil e) = error "TBD"
> ti env (EDcons e) = error "TDB"
> ti env (ERec x e1 e2) = error "TBD"
> ti_top env e =
> do (s, t) <- ti env e
> return $ generalize (apply s env) (apply s t)
> typeInference :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> Either String Scheme
> typeInference env e = res
> where act = ti_top env e
> res = evalState (runErrorT act) s0
> s0 = TIState { count = 0 }
> test :: Exp -> IO ()
> test e = case typeInference (TypeEnv Map.empty) e of
> Left err -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ err
> Right t -> putStrLn $ show e ++ " :: " ++ show t
> instance Show TVbl where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prTVbl x)
> prTVbl (TV a) = PP.text a
> instance Show Type where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prType x)
> prType :: Type -> PP.Doc
> prType (TVbl a) = prTVbl a
> prType TInt = PP.text "Int"
> prType TBool = PP.text "Bool"
> prType (TArr t s) = prParenType t PP.<+> PP.text "->" PP.<+> prType s
> prType _ = PP.text "FINAL optional"
> prParenType :: Type -> PP.Doc
> prParenType t = case t of
> TArr _ _ -> PP.parens (prType t)
> _ -> prType t
> instance Show EVbl where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prEVbl x)
> instance Show Exp where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prExp x)
> prEVbl (EV x) = PP.text x
> prExp :: Exp -> PP.Doc
> prExp (EVbl x) = prEVbl x
> prExp (ELit lit) = prLit lit
> prExp (ELet x b body) = PP.text "let" PP.<+>
> prEVbl x PP.<+> PP.text "=" PP.<+>
> prExp b PP.<+> PP.text "in" PP.$$
> PP.nest 2 (prExp body)
> prExp (EApp e1 e2) = prExp e1 PP.<+> prParenExp e2
> prExp (EAbs x e) = PP.char '\\' PP.<+> prEVbl x PP.<+>
> PP.text "->" PP.<+>
> prExp e
> prExp _ = PP.text "FINAL optional"
> prParenExp :: Exp -> PP.Doc
> prParenExp t = case t of
> ELet _ _ _ -> PP.parens (prExp t)
> EApp _ _ -> PP.parens (prExp t)
> EAbs _ _ -> PP.parens (prExp t)
> _ -> prExp t
> instance Show Lit where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prLit x)
> prLit :: Lit -> PP.Doc
> prLit (LInt i) = PP.integer i
> prLit (LBool b) = if b then PP.text "True" else PP.text "False"
> instance Show Scheme where
> showsPrec _ x = shows (prScheme x)
> prScheme :: Scheme -> PP.Doc
> prScheme (Forall as t) = PP.text "All" PP.<+>
> PP.hcat (PP.punctuate PP.comma (map prTVbl as))
> PP.<> PP.text "." PP.<+> prType t